Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Add AAA Server Group
• Time Range Name—Specifies the name that you want to assign to this time range.
• Start Time—Defines the time when you want the time range to start.
Start now—Specifies that the time range starts immediately.
Start at—Selects the month, day, year, hour, and minute at which you want the time range to
• End Time—Defines the time when you want the time range to end.
Never end—Specifies that the time range has no defined end point.
End at (inclusive)—Selects the month, day, year, hour, and minute at which you want the time
range to end.
• Recurring Time Ranges—Constrains the active time of this time range within the start and end times
when the time range is active. For example, if the start time is start now and the end time is never
end, and you want the time range to be effective every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 8:00
AM to 5:00 PM, you could configure a recurring time range, specifying that it is to be active
weekdays from 08:00 through 17:00, inclusive.
• Add—Opens the Add Recurring Time Range dialog box, in which you can configure a recurring
time range.
• Edit—Opens the Edit Recurring Time Range dialog box, in which you can modify a selected
recurring time range.
• Delete—Removes a selected recurring time range.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Add/Edit Recurring Time Range
The Add or Edit Recurring Time Range dialog box lets you configure or modify a recurring time range.
• Specify days of the week and times on which this recurring range will be active—Makes available
the options in the Days of the week area. For example, use this option when you want the time range
to be active only every Monday through Thursday, from 08:00 through 16:59.
Days of the week—Specifies the days that you want to include in this recurring time range.
Possible options are: Every day, Weekdays, Weekends, and On these days of the week. For the
last of these, you can check a check box for each day that you want included in the range.
Daily Start Time—Specifies the hour and minute, in 24-hour format, when you want the
recurring time range to be active on each selected day.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System