Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 72 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Configuring Browser Access to Client-Server Plug-ins
Creating Help Files for Languages Not Provided by Cisco
Use standard HTML to create help files in other languages. We recommend creating a separate folder
for each language you want to support.
Note You can use most HTML tags, but do not use tags that define the document and its structure (for
example, do not use <html>, <title>, <body>, <head>, <h1>, <h2>, etc. You can use character tags, such
as the <b> tag, and the <p>, <ol>, <ul>, and <li> tags to structure content.
Save the file as HTML only. Use the filename in the Filename column of Table 72-13.
Return to ASDM and choose Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Clientless SSL VPN Access >
Portal > Help Customization > Import to import the new help file into flash memory.
Configuring Browser Access to Client-Server Plug-ins
The Client-Server Plug-in table displays the plug-ins the ASA makes available to browsers in clientless
SSL VPN sessions.
To add, change, or remove a plug-in, do one of the following:
• To add a plug-in, click Import. The Import Plug-ins dialog box opens.
To remove a plug-in, choose it and click Delete.The following sections describe the integration of
browser plug-ins for Clientless SSL VPN browser access:
• About Installing Browser Plug-ins
• Preparing the Security Appliance for a Plug-in
• Installing Plug-ins Redistributed By Cisco
About Installing Browser Plug-ins
A browser plug-in is a separate program that a web browser invokes to perform a dedicated function,
such as connect a client to a server within the browser window. The ASA lets you import plug-ins for
download to remote browsers in clientless SSL VPN sessions. Of course, Cisco tests the plug-ins it
redistributes, and in some cases, tests the connectivity of plug-ins we cannot redistribute. However, we
do not recommend importing plug-ins that support streaming media at this time.
The ASA does the following when you install a plug-in onto the flash device:
• (Cisco-distributed plug-ins only) Unpacks the jar file specified in the URL.
• Writes the file to the csco-config/97/plugin directory on the ASA file system.
• Populates the drop-down menu next to the URL attributes in ASDM.
• Enables the plug-in for all future clientless SSL VPN sessions, and adds a main menu option and an
option to the drop-down menu next to the Address field of the portal page.
Table 72-12 shows the changes to the main menu and address field of the portal page when you add
the plug-ins described in the following sections.