Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 72 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Configuring Remote Systems to Use Clientless SSL VPN Features
Some templates are static, but some change based on the configuration of the ASA. Because you can
customize the logon and logout pages, portal page, and URL bookmarks for clientless users, the ASA
generates the customization and url-list translation domain templates dynamically, and the template
automatically reflects your changes to these functional areas.
After creating translation tables, they are available to customization objects that you create and apply to
group policies or user attributes. With the exception of the AnyConnect translation domain, a translation
table has no affect, and messages are not translated on user screens until you create a customization
object, identify a translation table to use in that object, and specify that customization for the group
policy or user. Changes to the translation table for the AnyConnect domain are immediately visible to
AnyConnect client users.
Step 1 Choose Remove Access VPN > Clientless SSL VPN Access > Portal > Advanced > Language
Localization. The Language Localization pane displays. Click Add. The Add Language Localization
window displays.
Step 2 Choose a Language Localization Template from the drop-down box. The entries in the box correspond
to functional areas that are translated.
Step 3 Specify a language for the template. The template becomes a translation table in cache memory with the
name you specify. Use an abbreviation that is compatible with the language options for your browser.
For example, if you are creating a table for the Chinese language, and you are using IE, use the
abbreviation zh, that is recognized by IE.
Step 4 Edit the translation table. For each message represented by the msgid field that you want to translate,
enter the translated text between the quotes of the associated msgstr field. The example below shows the
message Connected, with the Spanish text in the msgstr field:
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Conectado"
Step 5 Click OK. The new table appears in the list of translation tables.
Figure 72-28 Language Selector
Adding/Editing Localization Entry
You can add a new translation table, based on a template, or you can modify an already-imported
translation table in this pane.