Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 62 Configuring the ASA IPS Module
Configuring the ASA IPS module
b. Enter the IPS management IP address. Make sure this address is on the same subnet as the ASA
VLAN IP address. For example, if you assigned to the VLAN for the ASA, then assign
another address on that network, such as, for the IPS management address. By default, the
address is
c. Choose the subnet mask from the drop-down list.
d. Enter the default gateway IP address.
If the management station is on a directly-connected ASA network, then set the gateway to be the
ASA IP address assigned to the IPS management VLAN. If the management station is on a remote
network, then set the gateway to be the address of an upstream router on the IPS management
VLAN. By default, this IP address is
Step 3 In the Management Access List area, enter the following:
a. Enter the IP address for the management host network.
b. Choose the subnet mask from the drop-down list.
c. Click Add to add these settings to the Allowed Hosts/Networks list.
Step 4 In the IPS Password area, do the following:
a. Enter the current password. The default password is cisco.
b. Enter the new password, and confirm the change.
Step 5 Click Apply to save the settings to the running configuration.
Step 6 To launch the IPS Startup Wizard, click the Configure the IPS SSC module link.
(ASA 5512-X through ASA 5555-X) Installing the Software Module
Your ASA typically ships with IPS module software present on Disk0. If the module is not running,
however, you need to install the module.
Detailed Steps
Step 1 To view the IPS module software filename in flash memory, choose Tools > File Management.
For example, look for a filename like IPS-SSP_5512-K9-sys-1.1-a-7.1-4-E4.aip. Note the filename; you
will need this filename later in the procedure.
Step 2 If you need to copy a new image to disk0, download the image from Cisco.com to your computer, and
then on the File Management dialog box, choose File Transfer > Between Local PC and Flash.
Step 3 Choose Tools > Command Line Interface.
Step 4 To identify the IPS module software location in disk0, enter the following command and then click Send:
sw-module module ips recover configure image disk0:file_path
For example, using the filename in the example in Step 1, enter:
sw-module module ips recover configure image disk0:IPS-SSP_5512-K9-sys-1.1-a-7.1-4-E4.aip
Step 5 To install and load the IPS module software, enter the following command and then click Send:
sw-module module ips recover boot