Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 76 Configuring Logging
Configuring Logging
Sending Syslog Messages to an E-mail Address
To send syslog messages to an e-mail address, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Logging > E-Mail Setup.
Step 2 In the Source E-Mail Address field, specify the e-mail address that is used as the source address for
syslog messages that are sent as e-mail messages.
Step 3 Click Add to enter a new e-mail address recipient of the specified syslog messages. For more
information, see the “Adding or Editing E-Mail Recipients” section on page 76-13.
Step 4 Choose the severity level of the syslog messages that are sent to the recipient from the drop-down list.
The syslog message severity filter used for the destination e-mail address causes messages of the
specified severity level and higher to be sent. The global filter specified in the Logging Filters pane is
also applied to each e-mail recipient. For more information, see the “Applying Logging Filters” section
on page 76-14.
Step 5 Click Edit to modify an existing severity level of the syslog messages that are sent to this recipient. For
more information, see the “Adding or Editing E-Mail Recipients” section on page 76-13.
Configuration > Device Management > Logging >
Logging Setup > Configure Flash Usage
When saving the buffer content to another location,
the ASA create log files with names that use the
following time-stamp format:
where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the
day of the month, and HHMMSS is the time in hours,
minutes, and seconds.
The ASA continues to save new messages to the
internal log buffer and saves the full log buffer
content to the internal flash memory.
Configuration > Device Management > Logging >
Logging Setup > Configure FTP Settings
When saving the buffer content to another location,
the ASA creates log files with names that use the
following time-stamp format:
where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the
day of the month, and HHMMSS is the time in hours,
minutes, and seconds.
The ASA continues saving new messages to the
internal log buffer and saves the full log buffer
content to an FTP server.
Configuration > Device Management > Logging >
Logging Setup > Configure FTP Settings
Identifies the FTP server on which you want to store
log buffer content.
Configuration > Device Management > Logging >
Logging Setup > Configure FTP Settings
Saves the current log buffer content to the internal
flash memory.
Path Purpose