30 FileMaker Pro Advanced Development Guide
Keep these points in mind:
1 If you choose a menu set other than [File Default], that menu set
overrides the selection in the Define Custom Menus dialog box when
the layout displays.
1 In Layout mode, select Layouts menu > Set Layout Order to display
the Set Layout Order dialog box and review the menu set assigned to
each layout.
Creating scripts to change menu sets
You can create scripts that change menu sets based on conditions that
you specify. For information about scripts or the Install Menu Set
script step, see Help.
You can use Get (CustomMenuSetName) to check for the name of the
active custom menu set. You can also use the Get(LastError) function
to check for missing menu sets. Check the status of the Get(LastError)
function after performing the Install Menu Set script step. If a menu
set is missing, the function will return error 115. For more
information, see Help.
Testing menu sets
Before distributing a database with custom menus, test all menus and
menu items on both platforms for each user account. Be sure that all
the necessary menus and menu items are available so that users can
perform their tasks. Be sure users can always access the View menu,
or provide a method (like buttons) to switch between Browse, Find,
and Preview modes.
You can also review the Database Design Report to check for any
shortcut or access key conflicts.
In FileMaker Pro Advanced, you can temporarily switch menu sets or
restore standard FileMaker menus using the Tools menu, which is
always added to the menu bar:
1. Choose Tools menu > Custom Menus.
2. Select the menu set you want.
When using FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced, you can
check to see if custom menus are installed:
1 Windows: Choose Help menu > About FileMaker Pro, then click Info.
1 Mac OS: Choose FileMaker Pro menu > About FileMaker Pro, then
When custom menus are installed, the dialog displays Custom Menus
Using customized About, Help, or Script
menus from previous versions
Previous versions of FileMaker Developer allowed users to customize
the Help, About, and Script menus for runtime solutions. These were
the only menus that could be modified.
If you use FileMaker Pro Advanced to open a runtime file created in
FileMaker Developer, any customized About, Help, and Script menus
will appear as part of the Standard FileMaker Menus menu set. You
cannot change them. Custom Menu Set #1 provides a copy of the
FileMaker Pro Advanced standard menus.