70 FileMaker Pro Advanced Development Guide
The Developer Utilities automatically update all files to use the three-
character extension that you specify and append the extension to the
filenames. Internal file references used in relationships, scripts, and
external value lists are updated to interact with the new filenames.
Note No matter what the filename extensions are, runtime database
files can still be opened in FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro
Advanced. To prevent users from modifying your runtime database
solutions, create passwords for specific access privileges or select the
Remove admin access from files permanently option in the Developer
Utilities before you bind the files into a runtime database solution. See
“Removing full access privileges from databases” on page 73.
Assigning the extension for Windows solutions
The three-character extension registers your runtime application with
the Windows operating system. The extension is used by Windows to
determine which application starts when you double-click a solution
file. The Developer Utilities append the extension to all database
filenames in the runtime database solution during the binding process.
Assigning the extension for Mac OS X solutions
In the Mac OS X, the three-character extension becomes the creator
code for the runtime application. The creator code must be unique to
ensure that the Mac
OS X Finder can determine which application
created each document. The creator code is stored in the solution files
and in the runtime application.
Because creator codes are four characters, the Developer Utilities
insert an uppercase “F” after the first character. For example, the
default three-character extension “USR” becomes the “UFSR” creator
code. Creator codes are case-sensitive.
Note Creator codes should be registered with Apple Computer, Inc.
to verify that the creator code you choose is unique. If the creator code
is not unique, solution files might not open with the appropriate
runtime application. You may use the USR three-character extension
because FileMaker has registered the UFSR creator code with Apple
Computer, Inc. Contact Apple Developer Support or visit their web
site at www.apple.com to register any other creator codes.
Conflicts with non-unique filename extensions in Windows
If the three-character extension is not unique, it might cause registry
conflicts in Windows. For example, if you use the .fp7 extension for
your runtime database solution and your users have FileMaker
installed on their hard disks, all of their FileMaker
Pro document
icons will change to the runtime icons. Additionally, FileMaker
documents will no longer automatically open the FileMaker
To restore the document icons to the original FileMaker Pro document
1. Discard the runtime application.
2. Open a document in the FileMaker Pro application, then close it
and exit the application.
3. Restart your computer.
Setting the binding key
The runtime name that you specify in the Developer Utilities is used
for the name of the runtime application and can also be used for the
name of the new solution folder that contains the bound runtime
database solution files.
The binding key is a code that the Developer Utilities use during the
binding process to internally link the files with the runtime
application. If you need to add auxiliary files later to the existing
runtime database solution, rebind the files using the same key.