Chapter 4
Creating custom layout themes 41
Adding comments to theme files
You can add additional information to your XML theme files by
enclosing the information in comment tags:
<!- - my comment here - ->
FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced will ignore any unknown
(but syntactically correct) XML elements you may choose to include.
This allows your theme files to be backward and forward compatible
with other versions of FileMaker Pro and FileMaker
Pro Advanced.
Checking theme files for errors
FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced cannot parse an XML
theme document that is not well-formed, and they do not validate the
XML in your documents. If one required item is missing or wrong,
Pro Advanced will ignore the entire document.
Here is a list of things to check for if your new layout themes don’t
appear in the New Layout/Report assistant as expected:
1 The theme filename has the .fth extension.
1 The theme file is in text format.
1 The theme file is located in the Themes folder inside the
FileMaker Pro Advanced application folder.
1 All required elements are there, including their start and end tags:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<THEMENAME VALUE="Purple and White Screen" />
1 All elements are complete. There are no missing attributes, values,
quotation marks, start tags, or end tags.
1 All values are enclosed in quotation marks (“value”). There are no
missing opening or closing quotation marks, and there are no missing
values (no blank quotation marks “ ”).
1 All elements and attributes are spelled correctly.
1 All attribute values are spelled correctly and are valid.
1 Every single-line element ends with />.
1 All multi-line elements are spelled correctly and their start and end
tags match (for example, <BODYPART> and </BODYPART>).