
Chapter 7
Using the Developer Utilities 71
When developing a solution for both platforms, use the same key
when you bind the solution in Windows and in the Mac
OS X. Also,
keep in mind that the binding key is case-sensitive on both Windows
and Mac
OS X machines.
Note Use a binding key you’ll remember and record it in a safe place.
(You can do this by saving the Developer Utilities settings file: see
“Saving and reusing Developer Utilities settings” on page 71.) If you
forget your binding key and want to change a runtime database
solution, you’ll need to rebind all of the database files using a new
binding key and then redistribute the entire solution, including a new
runtime application.
Modifying bound runtime files
You can open a bound runtime file in FileMaker Pro and
Pro Advanced to make modifications to it. However, if you
selected the
Remove admin access from files permanently option when
you bound the files, then you can’t regain access to some features. See
“Removing full access privileges from databases” on page 73. In this
case, you’ll have to open the original database files in order to make
design changes in FileMaker
Pro Advanced and then rebind them
using the binding key that you assigned to that runtime database
See “Distributing updates to runtime database solutions” on page 83.
Saving and reusing
Developer Utilities settings
You can save the settings you specify in the Developer Utilities dialog
box and reuse them again. The settings include the list of files to be
modified. After you have entered your specifications in the Developer
Utilities, click
Save Settings. Choose a location and filename for the
settings file. The extension .sav is automatically added and should not
be changed. You can save as many settings files as you want, using
different locations and names.
Use the Developer Utilities settings file to repeat the same processes
on your database files with the Developer Utilities. When you open
the Developer Utilities, click
Load Settings, locate the settings file, and
Modifying a set of solution settings
To modify a settings file:
1. Open the Developer Utilities.
2. Click Load Settings.
3. Locate and select the settings file that you want to modify.
4. Click Load.
5. Specify options.
6. Click Save Settings, then click Save.
7. Click Yes to replace the file.
Your alterations are saved and may be reused again.