
Chapter 7
Using the Developer Utilities 69
To bind database files into a runtime database solution:
1. Follow steps 1 to 9 in “Modifying database solution files” on
page 64.
2. In the Specify Solution Options dialog box, select Create Runtime
solution application(s).
3. For Runtime Name, type a name for your runtime application.
The runtime name is used for the runtime application filename and for
the name of the folder that contains the runtime database solution
files. See “Choosing filenames for runtime database solutions” in the
next section.
4. For Extension, type a three-character filename extension.
The extension is used to associate the solution files with the runtime
applications. See
“Assigning three-character filename extensions” on
page 69.
5. For Bindkey, type a key between 1 and 24 characters long.
The binding key links the runtime application to the database files and
ensures that the bound files will only open in the appropriate runtime
application. See
“Setting the binding key” on page 70.
Important Binding installs system files pertaining to each platform.
6. To add a company logo or other custom image to the closing splash
screen, click
Specify, select the closing image, and click Select.
The image should be at least 382 x 175 pixels (72 dpi) or higher,
otherwise it will be distorted when displayed. The supported image
formats are JPEG and GIF.
7. For Delay, set the number of seconds that you want the splash
screen to display.
You can preview the effect that your custom splash screen will have
by clicking the
Preview button.
8. Once you have specified options, click OK.
9. To be able to quickly repeat the process, click Save Settings, and
choose a folder and location for your settings file.
See “Saving and reusing Developer Utilities settings” on page 71.
10. Click Create.
The Developer Utilities copy all of the runtime files to a new folder,
created inside the Project Folder and named after the runtime solution.
For information on bundling the necessary files and delivering your
runtime database solution to your users, see
“Distributing runtime
database solutions” on page 75.
Choosing filenames for runtime database solutions
Filenames can include up to 31 characters. When choosing filenames
for runtime database solutions, consider the platforms on which your
runtime solution will be used so your scripts and lookups will work
Windows filenames must not start with a space. For cross-platform
compatibility, do not use the following characters in filenames:
quotation mark ("), slash (/), backslash (\), angle brackets (<>),
(*), questions mark (?), colon (:), vertical bar (|).
Assigning three-character filename extensions
The three-character filename extension associates all of the runtime
solution files with the runtime application. If a user has more than one
runtime database solution on a machine, the filename extension
together with the binding key will ensure that the correct runtime
application is started when a solution file is double-clicked. Use an
extension that is unique to your users’ computer systems.