
Command Line Interface
This produces the following output:
"add" commands:
add bridging ... Add bridging options
add snmpmanager ... Add an SNMP authorized manager
add snmptrapreceiver ... Add an SNMP trap receiver
To see details about one of these commands, you can again use a question mark. For example to see
details of the
add snmpmanager command, you can type:
add snmpmanager ?
This produces the following output:
Usage: add snmpmanager <hostname> | <ip-address>[/<mask>]
Administrator Access Control Commands
The following commands configure web, console, and technical support access to the HP ProCurve
system. These commands are supported on Access Controllers as well as on the Access Control Server or
Integrated Access Manager.
set admin <login-name> [<password> <password>]
Changes the console and web administrator login and password. Prompts for password if not
entered on the command line.
clear admin
Resets the console and web administrator login and password to the factory default (“admin” and
“admin”). You are prompted to confirm before this action is taken.
cli AC | ACS
Connects the CLI to either the Access Controller or Access Control Server command environment
of an Integrated Access Manager.
On an Integrated Access Manager, the Command Line Interface can communicate with both the
Access Control Server and the Access Controller portions of the system, but cannot do so
concurrently. When you first log onto an Integrated Access Manager, the CLI connects to the
Access Control Server portion of the system.
cli AC sets the CLI to connect to the Access Controller portion of the Integrated Access Manager.
cli ACS sets the CLI to connect to the Access Control Server portion of the Integrated Access
Logs you off of the system, whether an Access Control Server, an Access Controller, or an
Integrated Access Manager.
show admin
Shows the current administrator login. The password is not displayed.
A-4 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide