The glossary defines terms that are used throughout the 700wl Series system. Some of the following terms
are in common usage but may have 700wl Series system-specific meanings. These terms are defined in
context in the chapter where they first appear.
Term Definition
802.11 See —IEEE 802.11“ on page E-5
802.11a See —IEEE 802.11a“ on page E-5
802.11b See —IEEE 802.11b“ on page E-5
802.11g See —IEEE 802.11g“ on page E-5
802.1x See —IEEE 802.1x“ on page E-5
802.3af See —IEEE 802.3af“ on page E-5
Access Controller A 700wl Series system device positioned between each access point and the
network. It inspects and filters each packet arriving from the wireless client
through the access point, deciding whether to allow or deny forwarding of the
packet. The Access Controller functionality is also included in the Integrated
Access Manager.
Access Point (AP) A wireless hardware device that attaches to a wired network and transmits data
to and receives data from your wireless network cards or adapters. Sometimes
called a Base Station.
Access Points Identity Profile An Identity Profile that contains only MAC addresses that are Access Points.
This may be associated with an Access Policy for the Access Points connected
to the system through one or more Access Controllers.
Access Policy A specification in the 700wl Series system Rights Manager that specifies what
access is allowed. Specifically the Access Policy consists of:
• IP Addressing and VLAN settings
• Encryption protocols and authentication methods
• The set of filters that identify client packets that are permitted to be passed by
the Access Controller (Allows“ and filters that identify and change the
destination of client packets (Redirects).
• HTTP filters
• Bandwidth usage filters
• Timeout settings
Access Policy were defined as a set of Allows and Redirects in previous
versions of the 700wl Series system.