• @satmac(). This function returns an INPUT element of type hidden, with a value that is the client’s
MAC address.
• @interface(). This function returns an INPUT element of type hidden.
@java_works(). This function returns an INPUT element of type hidden, with a value of 0. If a Logoff
popup is specified (see “Body Tag to Enable Logoff Popup” below) the value is changed by the 700wl
Series system to 1.
@secret(). This function returns an INPUT element of type hidden, with a value that indicates that
this page has been loaded. This prevents a user from reloading this page and logging on again without
the Rights Manager’s knowledge.
@query(). This function returns an INPUT element of type hidden, with the value passed into the
HTTP request.
For example, if a user typed www.yahoo.com they would be redirected to In this case, the value passed into the http request is
www.yahoo.com (in other words, everything after the question mark (?))
Body Tag to Enable Logoff Popup
If you plan to use a Logoff pop-up window, you must include the following in the Body tag at the
beginning of your Logon template:
<body ONLOAD="document.forms.logonForm.username.focus();
This enables the logon pop-up and positions the input focus (cursor) in the username field.
Optional Elements
<img src="/images/image_name">
Images used by the HP system web pages are located in the /images directory. To use an image in a
custom template, you must add it through the Rights Manager Customize Web Pages by Location page in
Images for templates field.
Note: All file and path names are case sensitive. The "images" directory name must be all lower
Passing an Authentication Realm Name
The realm field may be used to pass the name of an authentication realm ("realm_name") that should be
used to authenticate users that log in through the location associated with this page. To pass the
authentication realm name without the user being aware of it, use a hidden input field:
<INPUT name=realm type=hidden value=realm_name>
If you want the user to be able to select among several realms when he/she logs in, you can use a
SELECT statement with OPTIONS to create a drop-down selection list on your Login page.
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide C-5