Term Definition
CLI Command Line Interface: 700wl Series system Access Controllers, Integrated
Access Managers, and Access Control Servers all have a command line
interface through which they can be controlled, as an alternate to using the
Administrative Console.
Client A machine, device, or user of the 700wl Series system.
CMAK Connection Manager Administration Kit - This is a tool provided by Microsoft to
allow you to customize the Microsoft Connection Manager.
Community String The protocol password for SNMP
Connection Profile A named set of an Authentication Policy, VLAN tag policy, a set of Locations and
a set of Time Windows that specify how users can connect to the 700wl Series
Access Control Server A logical device that performs two functions:
1) Coordinates between the Access Controllers and the Rights Manager
2) Coordinates Access Controller-to-Access Controller communications, such
as a roaming handoff.
cookie See session cookie.
CSR Certificate Signing Request - A CSR is a text file generated by a Web server
which contains Information about your organization and your Web or WAP
Server's public key.
A CA will use the CSR to generate your signed digital certificate, which is
required to initialize an SSL session.
DAP Directory Access Protocol - DAP is part of X.500, a standard for directory
services in a network.
datagrams A datagram is a packet format defined by IP. An IP datagram has a header that
is made up of five or six 32-bit words, followed by data. The header includes two
length fields, one that specifies the length of the header and one that specifies
the entire length of the packet.
The terms datagram and packet are often used interchangeably.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - A protocol that assigns a dynamic IP
address to a device on a network. This dynamically assigned IP address is
granted on a —lease“ or temporary basis. Once a lease expires on a device, the
next time that device attempts to connect to the network, a new IP address may
or may not be assigned.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol -DHCP allows a computer to join an IP-
based network without having a pre-configured IP address. DHCP is a protocol
that assigns unique IP addresses to devices, releases and renews these
addresses as devices leave and re-join the network. Cf. NAT
Diffie-Hellman A key agreement protocol (also called exponential key agreement) developed
by Diffie and Hellman in 1976. The protocol allows two users to exchange a
secret key over an insecure medium without any prior secrets.
Diffie-Hellman protocol allows for the derivation of a shared secret value (that is,
key) from one party's public key and another party's private key.
DN Distinguished Name. In an LDAP service the every entry has a primary key
called the Distinguished Name (DN).
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide E-3