
Single-Axis Motion 06/2005 Danaher Motion
92 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
Ideally, settling time allows the motor to move to approach zero position
error. However, you must allow for the condition where the position error
never quite reaches zero. On the MC, you specify how low you consider to
be low enough with <axis>.POSITIONERRORSETTLE (<axis>.PESETTLE):
CutAxis.PESettle = 0.01
After the motion generator has completed a move which ends with zero
speed, it actively monitors the position error on the axis to see when it is
between ±PESETTLE.
In some applications, you must ensure that the position error remains below
PESETTLE for a specified period of time before the axis is considered
settled. The MC allows you to specify this time period with
<axis>.TIMESETTLE (given in milliseconds). TIMESETTLEMAX sets the
maximum time allowed for the axis to settle. If the position error exceeds
PESETTLE during this time, the timer is reset. If position error is within the
PESETTLE range for the time specified by TSETTLE, the
<axis>.ISSETTLED flag is TRUE (1). Otherwise, it is FALSE(0). POINT-TO-POINT MOVES
When the motion buffer is empty, point-to-point moves begin immediately. If
you need to delay the start of the next motion command, you have two
options: use DELAY to insert a fixed delay time, or use STARTTYPE to
delay depending on a condition.
Use DELAY to force the motion generator to wait a fixed period of time
between moves. For example:
Move MainAxis 100
Delay 1000
Move MainAxis 200
A 1 second delay is forced between the two moves. DELAY has units of
milliseconds and must be greater than zero. DELAY does not delay the
execution of your program. If you want to delay your program, use SLEEP.
If you want to delay the start of a new move until a condition has been met
by the previous move, use STARTTYPE. There are four choices:
StartType = GeneratorCompleted (GCom)
When STARTTYPE = GCOM, the new move starts as soon as the
motion generator has completed the motion for the current move.
GENERATORCOMPLETED is constant equal to 3. This command
incurs a system delay of 2 SERCOS cycle times.