Danaher Motion 06/2005 Groups
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 125
For example:
Common Shared Gr1 as Group AxisName=A1 AxisName=A2
Gr1.VRate = 50 ‘ VelocityRate 50%
Gr1.ARate = 70 ‘ AccelerationRate 70%
Gr1.DRate = 80 ‘ AccelerationRate 80%
Gr1.JRate = 60 ‘ JerkRate 60%
A group is controlled by the motion generator. This software device receives
commands from MC tasks and produces position and velocity commands for
each drive in the group every SERVO cycle. The two group motion
commands are MOVE and CIRCLE. The MC also provides synchronization
of the execution of motion commands as well as changing motion profiles on-
the-fly and blending a followed movement. In addition, the MC provides
multiple modes for starting and stopping motion. Several conditions must be
met before the MC generates group motion:
1. The controlling task must ATTACH to the controlled group.
2. All axes in the group must be ENABLEd.
3. The system and axis motion flags must be ENABLEd.
You can declare a group from every context. However, using Config.prg in
most applications requires this to only be done once.
A1.Name = xAxis
A2.Name = yAxis
Common Shared xyTable as Group AxisName = xAxis AxisName = yAxis
6.9.1. Attach Task and Axis
Before a task can send motion commands to a group, the group must be
attached to the task. This prevents other tasks from attempting to control the
group. To attach a group, issue an ATTACH from the controlling task:
Attach MyGroup
If no other task is attached to the group and no axis from the group is
attached, the group is immediately attached. Otherwise, an error is
As long as the task has the group attached, no other task can control the
group or axes within the group. The axes belonging to the group cannot be
controlled independently from other tasks. When a task is finished with a
group, it should detach the group:
Detach MyGroup
If a task ends, all attached groups and axes are automatically detached. One
exception for the requirement that a group be attached is if the motion
command is issued from the terminal window. In this case, assuming the
group is not attached by any other task, the group is automatically attached
to the terminal window for the duration of the motion.
6.9.2. ENABLE
Now, enable the drives by typing the following in the terminal window:
System.Enable = ON
MyGroup.Enable = ON