Danaher Motion 06/2005 Groups
For example.
Dim Shared blen_value As Long
Attach xyTable
BlendingMethod = 2
BlendingFactor = 0
StartType = GCom
For blen_value = 100 To 80 Step -5
Move xyTable {0,10} Abs=1 Vcruise=100 BlendingFactor=blen_value
Move xyTable {10,20} Abs=1 Vcruise=100 BlendingFactor=blen_value
Move xyTable {20,10} Abs=1 Vcruise=100 BlendingFactor=blen_value
Move xyTable {10,0} Abs=1 Vcruise=100 BlendingFactor=blen_value
Detach xyTable
End Program
results in the following profile:
The following are blending limitations:
Blending type of the first movement defines the actual connection path,
although the second movement has a different definition. The second
movement can blend with the current movement, although its blending
method was not defined. In this case, blending occurs according to the
second movement.
Throughout the whole blending process, sine-acceleration or velocity
trapeze profiles are used. However, mixing profile types is not allowed.
In the next example, no blending is ignored:
BlendingMethod = 0 CP = x BlendingFactor = x
BlendingMethod = 1 CP = 0 BlendingFactor = x
BlendingMethod = 2 CP = x BlendingFactor = 100
The Position Command Generator (PCG) has two working modes: single
and double. When PCG is in single mode, only one profiler call per sample is
allowed. This is identical to no blending. When PCG is in double mode, there
are two profiler calls per sample that actually execute the motion
superposition. If the profiler of the second motion is in Profiler Following
mode, the profiler of the first movement leads both movements. Use
DOUBLEMODE to detect double mode interpolation during blending.
This section reviews options the MC provides for controlling group MOVEs
and CIRCLEs.
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 131