Danaher Motion 06/2005 Project
Optional subroutines
Each task can have any number of subroutines. Subroutines are component
parts of the task, and consequently, they can only be called from within the
task. If you want to call the same subroutine from two tasks, place one copy
in each task.
3.2.2. Configuration Task
The name of the configuration task is Config.Prg. The configuration task is
used for declaration of number of axes, global variables and other
constructs, such as cam tables, programmable limit switches (PLS), and
group. The key to understanding the configuration task is that all data and
constructs shared across tasks must be declared in the configuration task.
Refer to the following figure.
The configuration task can contain a program. Axes can be renamed here.
3.2.3. AutoExec Task
The AutoExec task (AutoExec.Prg) is executed once on power up, just after
the Configuration Task. Use AutoExec to start power-up logic. For example,
you might want to use AutoExec to start a task that sets the outputs to the
desired starting values. That way, the outputs are set immediately after the
MC boots, usually sooner than the PC.
For safety considerations we do not recommend starting of motion from the
AutoExec task. Motion should be started by explicit operator’s request either
by I/O or communication link from host PC.
Set the AutoExec task to run on power up. To do this, add the keyword
Continue to the Program command. Do not include OnError or OnEvent
sections in the AutoExec. Limit the AutoExec task to starting other tasks in
the system. Refer to the next figure.
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 51