Danaher Motion 06/2005 Single-Axis Motion
Synchronization is controlled with STARTTYPE = SYNCSTART (SYNC).
The feature works by allowing you to load the motion generator with a motion
command, but delaying the generation of motion until a SYNCSTART
command is issued. For example, the following sequence:
Move MainAxis 300 VCruise = 1200 StartType = Sync
Sleep 1000 ‘Program delayed between Move Commands
Move AuxAxis 100 VCruise = 1000 StartType = Sync
SyncStart MainAxis AuxAxis
generates the following profiles.
You can synchronize as many axes as you want, including simulated axes.
Since each SYNCSTART specifies the axes it synchronizes, you can
synchronize multiple sets of axes independently.
This command incurs a minimum system delay of 2 SERCOS cycle times,
but the delay may be greater, depending on the number of moves
synchronized together and the total load of the system.
If you have loaded a synchronized move into the motion generator and need
to delete it, use SYNCCLEAR. For example, if you entered the following
command before issuing SYNCSTART:
SyncClear MainAxis
the MainAxis move is deleted. This only affects subsequent moves. You can
only use SYNCCLEAR to clear pending moves. SYNCCLEAR has no effect
once the move is executing. Stopping the axis in this case is performed as
for a non-synchronized move.
You can override the following axis properties as part of a MOVE:
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 97