Danaher Motion 06/2005 Input/Output
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 155
If you are using the encoder for master/slave operation or in a way that
requires the value of the signal be updated to the MC every SERCOS cycle,
you must configure the telegram for that axis as Telegram type 7. You also
must specify that external position must be included in the telegram. This
command is only available when in communication phase of 2 or higher.
10. 5 PC104
If you need more I/O than the 23 digital inputs and 20 digital outputs that the
MC provides, there is an optional PC104 bus. This lets you install PC104-
compatible cards to provide additional I/O ports. Because the PC104 bus is
an extension for the MC, this configuration is often called a mezzanine bus.
The MC supports the full PC104 mechanical specification for as many as two
PC104 cards. Adding these cards generally increases, by one, the number of
slots taken by the MC. The MC supports a subset of the electrical
connections of PC104, but the subset is sufficient to accommodate nearly all
PC104 I/O cards. Refer to the SERVOSTAR
MC Installation Manual for
more details concerning which pins are supported.
10.5.1. Configuring PC104 Cards
You must configure the PC104 cards for memory and I/O space. See the
manufacturer’s manual for your particular PC104 carde.
All PC104 cards used on the MC which are memory mapped, must be
mapped into the MC’s memory without causing conflict. If you are using two
PC104 cards, you must be careful not to overlap the memory spaces of
these cards.
All PC104 cards used on the MC which are I/O mapped, must be mapped
between 0x100 to 0xFFFF. Address ranges: 0x300 through 0x3ff and 0x2f8
through 0x2ff are not available. If you are using two PC104 cards, you must
be careful not to overlap the I/O spaces of these cards. Do not use ranges
0x300 through 0x3ff and 0x2f8 through 0x2ff, even though they are not
protected by the software.
The MC does not support interrupts from PC104 cards.
10.5.2. Installation
To install your PC104 card:
1. Power down your unit.
2. Always use proper static handling procedures.
3. Mount the cards.
4. Install stand-offs.