BASIC Moves Development Studio 06/2005 Danaher Motion
26 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
System.DecelerationRate Queries or sets the system deceleration exchange rate.
System.DIn Returns the value of one or more of the 23 digital inputs.
System.DIn returns the values of the individual bits in
the system input word. In order to read the value of a
single input bit, bit number should be specified as
System.DIn.<bit number>.
System.DipSwitch Returns the value of one or more of the eight DIPswitch
inputs. System.DipSwitch returns the values of the
eight individual bits in the DIPswitch byte. In order to
read the value of a single input bit, bit number should be
specified as System.DipSwitch.<bit number>.
System.DiskFreeSpace Returns the amount of free space on the flash disk.
System.DoubleFormat Queries and sets the printing format of Doubles. Zero
value stands for d.ddddddddddddddde+/-dd style, with
precision of 15 digits after the decimal point. 1 relates to
the ddd.ddd style if the exponent is between -4 and 5,
and to d.de+/-dd style otherwise. Setting can be done
only in Config.Prg file, and therefore requires system
reset (through RESET All or hardware reset).
System.DOut Queries and sets the value of one or more of the 20
digital outputs. System.DOut sets or returns the values
of the individual bits in the system output word.
In order
to read or write into a single output bit, bit number should
be specified as System.DOut.<bit number>.
System.Enable Enables and disables the system.
System.Error Queries the last system error message.
System.ErrorHandlerMode Determines the scope of the effect of an error occurring
in task context. When the value of
System.ErrorHandlerMode is one (the default value),
the error will affect the entire system by stopping all
motion, idling all tasks that have attached elements and
turning off System.Motion flag. Setting this property to
zero results in limiting the Motion stop and task idling to
the erroneous task itself.
System.ErrorNumber Queries the number of the last system error and returns
only the error number.
System.ErrorPrintLevel Controls which errors are printed, according to the
severity of the error. Only asynchronous errors are
printed. Synchronous errors are not affected.
System.FlashDiskSize Returns the size of the Flash disk.
System.HostDouble Reads the value of one of eight double-type DPRAM
variables written by the host.
System.HostInteger Reads the value of one of eight long-type DPRAM
variables written by the host.
System.Information Returns information found during system power-up.
Performs a test on the SERCON chip cycle time. The
result is the average cycle time found in a 500 ms test.
System.IPAddressMask Queries or sets the IP address and subnet mask for the
Ethernet interface.
System.JerkRate Queries or sets the system jerk exchange rate.
System.Led Queries and sets one or more of the three general
purpose LEDs. In order to read or write into a single
LED, LED number should be specified as
System.MaxMemBlock Returns the size (in bytes), of the largest block of free
System.MCDouble Reads or writes to one of eight double-type DPRAM
variables available for use by the MC.
System.MCInteger Reads or writes to one of the long-type DPRAM
variables available for use by the MC.
System.Motion Enables and disables Motion commands.