
The following table briefly describes the components located on the rear of the FCO.
Component Description
SCSI Channel 0 through 5 The SCSI Ultra 160 channels used to attach the TLS medium changer and
tape drives.
Fibre Channel 0 and 1 GBIC transceiver sockets. The receptacles are for 2 Gbit Fibre Channel GBIC
Ethernet The Ethernet management interface (not supported).
Fail Over Not applicable.
Serial The RS-232 communications port used by the TLS library for configuration and
control of the Fibre Channel router.
SCSI LEDs 0 through 5 On (green) when the SCSI bus is active or busy.
AT LED 0 and 1
(Fibre Channel)
On (green) when the Fibre Channel is active. Off when there is no Fibre Chan-
nel I/O activity.
LK LED 0 and 1
(Fibre Channel)
On (green) when the Fibre Channel link is connected and established. Off
when the Fibre Channel link is disconnected and/or not established.
On (green) when then 10BaseT link is active or busy.
Solid on (green) when the 10BaseT link is connected.
ST LED Solid on (yellow) when the FCO is operational.
FT LED Solid on (red) when a fatal error condition is present. This indicator will be on
during power-on diagnostics, and is extinguished after successful completion
of the power-on sequence.
Table 5-1 Components Located on Rear of FCO
5-2 FCO Type B Installation 501440 Rev. G