
8.2 Maintenance\Fibre Channel Menu
M......Fibre Channel
.Info Left
.Info Right
.Log Left
.Log Right
The Fibre Channel menu is partitioned into status screens, Info and Log. The Info
screen displays version and environmental information from the Fibre Channel Op-
tion. The Log screen accesses and displays the Fibre Channel Option’s internal event
8.3 Maintenance\Fibre Channel\Info (Left or Right) Status Screen
MFC........Info Left
MFC.......Info Right
Backplane Id: ddd
Base Lvl: xxxxxxx
Board Rev: a
CPLD Rev: dd
Memory (MB): dddd
Daughtr Bd Id: ddd
FW Rev: aaaa
Loader Rev: aaaaa
Prod. Id.: aaaaaa
S/N: aaaaaa
+2.5V: ddd
+3.3V: ddd
+5V: ddd
+12V: dddd
Air Temp (C): +ddd
CPU Temp (C): +ddd
The Fibre Channel Info status screen displays the Fibre Channel Option’s configura-
tion and environmental information. The displayed information was obtained at
power-on, from the last configuration change, or from the last UPDATE request.
8.3.1 Backplane Id
This value identifies the type of backplane. The value of 001 should be displayed for
type A and B Fibre Channel Options. Type C FCOs will display the value of 007.
8.3.2 Base Lvl
This value identifies the base-level revision.
8-4 Maintenance Menu 501440 Rev. G