3Com 3CRWE52196 Network Cables User Manual

Choose the time zone that is closest to your actual location. The time
zone setting is used by the system clock when displaying the correct time
in the log files.
If you use Daylight saving tick the Enable Daylight savings box, and then
click Apply (Figure 57
The Gateway reads the correct time from NTP servers on the Internet and
sets its system clock accordingly. The Daylight Savings option merely
advances the system clock by one hour. It does not cause the system
clock to be updated for daylight savings time automatically.
Figure 58 Configuration Screen
Select the Configuration tab to display the Configuration screen
(Figure 58
Backup Configuration
Click BACKUP to save the current Gateway configuration. You will be
prompted to download and save a file to disk.
Restore Configuration Data
If you want to reinstate the configuration settings previously saved to a
file, press Browse to locate the backup file on your computer, and then
click RESTORE to copy the data into the Gateway's memory.
The password will remain unchanged.