Upgrade Management Notes 45
EncryptionLicenseRead Environment Variable
Transcend Enterprise Manager for Windows Upgrade Manager and Transcend
Enterprise Manager for UNXI Upgrade Manager 4.2.x will not allow you to
upgrade 3Com NETBuilder bridge/routers with encryption technology unless you
set the EncryptionLicenseRead environment variable to 1. Setting this variable
implies that you have read and agree to the export regulations enforced by the US
Department of Commerce. This environment variable can be set by executing or
adding the following line to the autoexec.bat or .login file:
set EncryptionLicenseRead=1
Upgrade Management
This section contains known upgrade management issues.
bcmdiagnose Error
When you execute bcmdiagnose on HP-UX and the TFTP server is configured to
use the Safe Directory method, the error message “No TFTP user found in
/etc/passwd. You must add an entry” can be ignored.
Installation of a new version of the Remote Upgrade Utilities onto a UNIX NMS
saves an existing /usr/3Com/bcmutil.conf, into /etc/3Com/bcmutil.conf.backup.
This file is used by the Transcend Enterprise Manager for UNIX (TEM/U). If a user
has made modifications to this file, they must either restore their original file or
add the changes to the new file.
If you are using the Remote Upgrade Utilities in stand-alone mode or with the
Transcend Enterprise Manager for UNIX (TEM/U), you can specify SNMP
community strings of different devices in /etc/snmp.cfg file. More information
about the snmp.cfg file can be found in the help pages
SuperStack II NETBuilder
Token Ring Upgrades
If SuperStack II NETBuilder systems that are running software version 8.3 have a
boot image named “bundle.68K,” the SuperStack II NETBuilder Token Ring system
is not upgradeable to software version 11.4 unless the sys file is present on the
flash drive. To work around this, either rename the image to “boot.68k,” or copy
the 8.3 sys file to the primary boot directory on the NETBuilder bridge/router.
bcmdiagnose and HP-UX If you are using HP-UX and have difficulties passing the tftp portion of
bcmdiagnose, you may need to modify the /etc/passwd file. Follow the
instructions printed during bcmsetup. You may need to add the following line to
the /etc/passwd file:
See the HP-UX tftpd man page for more information.
bcmfdinteg Read the following warning regarding the bcmfdinteg utility.
WARNING: Do not use the bcmfdinteg utility. The bcmfdinteg utility is used
internally by the bcminstall utility. The bcmfdinteg utility should not be used by
itself, because by default it removes all files from the current directory.