8e6 Technologies ProxyBlocker Network Card User Manual

The following information might also display in the lock
page: “You have been denied access according to your
organization's Internet Usage Policy. As a result, your
Internet privileges were temporarily suspended for a total of
‘X’ (amount of time),” in which ‘X’ represents the number of
minutes/hours the user will be locked out from Internet
usage on that workstation.
NOTE: This message may differ, depending on whether or not
alternate text and settings were made in the Lock Page Customi-
zation window and the Common Customization window. (See
Customization in this chapter for more information.)
The user will not be able to access the Internet from that
workstation until the Defined amount of time specified in the
“Locked” Life Time field passes, or unless an authorized
staff member manually unlocks that user’s workstation (see
Go to X Strikes Unlock Workstation GUI in this section).
Overblocking or Underblocking
NOTES: In order to prevent overblocking, unacceptable Internet
images/links are allowed to pass by if they display within the four-
second tolerance time range of a given strike. Thus, only one
strike will count against a user who visits a Web page embedded
with multiple, unacceptable images/links, if these images/links
load within four seconds of that strike. Banners and IM/P2P sites
included in the library are white listed and do not count as strikes.
If users are receiving too many strikes or too few strikes
within a given period of time, you may need to modify the
configuration settings.
Sample Settings:
Maximum strikes = 5
Time span for the maximum number of strikes = 5
Within a five-minute period, if a user accesses five sites that
contain blocked material, that user will be locked out of his/