iDP-3410 User’s Manual
GS ⁄ m
[Function] Printing the download, bit image
[Code] <1D>H <2F>H m
[Range] 0 ≤ m ≤ 255
[Outline] This command prints the bit image saved in the number specified with m.
[Caution] If the print buffer contains the data, this command will be ignored. If the bit image has not
been saved in the specified number, this command will be ignored.
Nothing is printed when m is other than 0,1,2 or 3.
13.3 ESC/POS Commands
13.3.1 Command List
Command Function Code Page
1 HT Horizontal tab 09H 105
2 LF Printing and paper feed 0AH 105
3 CR Printing 0DH 106
4 ESC " " n Setting thr character right space 1BH 20H n 106
5 ESC ! n Setting print mode batch 1BH 21H n 107
6 ESC % n Specifying/Canceling the download character set 1BH 25H n 108
ESC & s n m
[a[p] s × a]
Defining the download character set
1BH 26H s n m
[a[p] a×a] m-n+1
ESC ∗ m n1 n2
[d] n1 + 256 × n2
Specifying the bit image mode
1BH 2AH m n1 n2
[d] n1 + 256×n2
9 ESC 2 Setting the 1/6-inch line feed rate 1BH 32H n 111
10 ESC 3 n Setting the line feed width in minimum pitch 1BH 33H n 111