iDP-3410 User’s Manual
11 ESC < NOP 1BH 3CH
12 ESC @ Initializing the printer 1BH 40H 111
13 ESC D [n] k NUL Setting the Horizontal tab position 1BH 44H [n] k 00 112
14 ESC J n NOP 1BH 4AH n
15 ESC R n Sel ecting the inte rnati onal chara cter set 1BH 52H n 113
16 ESC U n Specifying/Canceling the unidirectional print mode 1BH 55H n 114
17 ESC c 0 n NOP 1BH 63H 30 n
18 ESC c 5 n Selecting the panel switch enable/disable 1BH 63H 35H n 115
19 ESC d n Printing and n-line paper feed 1BH 64H n 116
20 ESC p m n1 n2 Specifying the pulse generation 1BH 70H m n1 n2 117
21 ESC r n Selecting the printing color 1BH 72H n 118
22 ESC t n Selecting the character code table 1BH 74H n 118
23 ESC u n Sending the status for peripheral devi ce 1BH 75H n 119
24 ESC v Sending the printer status 1BH 76H 120
25 ESC { n Specifying/Canceling the inverted character print 1BH 7BH n 121
26 GS E n NOP 1DH 45H n
ESC ⁄ n
Defining the message 1BH 2FH n
28 ESC DC3 n Printing the message 1BH 13H n 122
29 ESC DC2 n1 n2
Deleting the download character, message, bit
1BH 12H n1 n2 123
GS ∗ n1 n2
Defining the download, bit image 1DH 2AH n1 n2
GS ⁄ m
Printing the download, bit image 1DH 2FH m