ADIC Version 5.0 Webcam User Manual

Installing VolServ
601351 Rev A Post Installation Tasks 3-7
Post Installation
Additional tasks include the following topics:
Modifying the
.cshrc File
During execution of the VolServ installation script, the .cshrc
file for vsadm was created. This file may need to be modified if
the shell used is different from the shell the software was
installed under.
Step 1. Login as vsadm.
Step 2. Edit either the .cshrc file if you are using the C
shell or edit the .profile file if you are using the
Bourne shell. Add the applicable line to define the
type of shell used to run VolServ.
Step 3. Cycle
vsadm to pick up the changes.
Topic Page
Modifying the .cshrc File 3-7
Configuring SCSI Device Nodes 3-8
Changing the Configuration File 3-13
Updating the License String 3-17
Configuring Label Printers 3-17
# source /volserv/volserv/vs_cshrc
# . /volserv/volserv/vs_profile