¾ LAN IP section
Parameters Default Description
IP address This is the router’s LAN IP address (Your LAN clients
default gateway IP address).
Subnet Mask Specify a Subnet Mask for your LAN segment.
802.1d Spanning Tree Disable If you wish to activate 802.1d spanning tree function,
select “Enabled”, or set it to “Disabled”
If 802.1d Spanning Tree function is enabled, this router
will use the spanning tree protocol to prevent from
network loop happened in the LAN ports.
DHCP Server Enable By enablting the DHCP server, the router will
automatically give your LAN clients an IP address. If the
DHCP server is not enabled then you’ll have to manually
set your LAN client’s IP addresses; make sure the LAN
Client is in the same subnet as this broadband router if
you want the router to be your LAN client’s default
¾ DHCP Server section
Parameters Description
Lease Time Please choose a lease time (the duration that every
computer can keep a specific IP address) of every IP
address assigned by this router from dropdown menu.
Start IP Please input the start IP address of the IP range.
End IP Please input the end IP address of the IP range. Domain
Name (4): If you wish, you can also optionally input the
domain name for your network. This is optional.
DHCP Client Range You can configure a particular IP address range for your
DHCP server to assign IP addresses to your LAN
Note: By default the IP range is from: Start IP to End IP If you want your
PC to have a static/fixed IP address then you’ll have to
choose an IP address outside this IP address range.
Static DHCP Specify the Static DHCP Addresses for your LAN clients.
Domain Name Enter the domain name of your LAN interface if there is