400-0367-005 10
4. […S] – Save
This command will save the configuration
command being sent in memory. Send the
command [I1O1C8S] to the engine. After reset
or power-up, Input 1 will be connected to
Output 1 of the engine in slot 8.
5. [SIO]
This command displays the logical
input-to-output connections and their status.
Command Format: [SIOCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Send the command [SIOC8] to the MT107-103
in slot 8 and the card will respond with feedback
similar to the following:
Ch1 In1 Out1 ON
Ch1 In1 Out2 ON
Ch1 In1 Out3 ON
Ch1 In1 Out4 ON
Ch1 In1 Out5 OFF
Ch1 In1 Out6 OFF
Ch1 In1 Out7 OFF
Ch1 In1 Out8 OFF
Ch1 In9 Out9 OFF
Ch1 In61 Out61 OFF
Ch1 In62 Out62 OFF
Ch1 In63 Out63 OFF
Ch1 In64 Out64 OFF
Notice that each input-to-output connection is
preceded by the channel number. For example,
“Ch1 In1 Out1 ON” indicates that channel 1 of
Input 1 is connected to channel 1 of Output 1. If
the matrix is configured with multiple channels,
each channel is displayed on its own line. For
example, if each input and output had 2
channels, the display would be:
Ch1 In1 Out1 ON
Ch2 In1 Out1 ON
6. [CLR]
This command resets the MT107-103 to the last
saved matrix configuration. It does not affect the
blocking mode or VIS settings.
Command Format: [CLRCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Clear the MT107-103 with engine card in slot 8
by sending [CLRC8].
7. [TEST]
This command performs a series of internal
tests on the matrix engine memory.
Command Format: [TESTCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Upon completion, the system will display the
results. This feedback will be similar to the
following, otherwise failures will be indicated.
8. [HELP]
This command displays information available for
the MultiTasker interface commands.
Command Format: [HELPCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
In order to display the RS-232 commands
available for the MT107-103 in slot 8, send the
command [HELPC8]. The commands along with
a brief description will be displayed.