400-0367-005 13
12. [AFB]
This command enables/disables the command
acknowledgement feedback, “[ ]”, from the
MT107-103. This setting is automatically saved
to memory and can only be changed by sending
the [AFB] command a second time. Use this
command when sending a large number of
commands to the MT107-103 at the same time.
If monitoring feedback to keep track of events,
the [ACK] command can be used to notify the
system an event has occurred by sending the
[ACK] command last.
Command Format: [AFBmCn]
m = 1 for ON, 0 for OFF
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Send 16 commands to the MT107-103 in slot 8
to initialize the card with Input 1 to Output 1,
Input 2 to Output 2, and so on. The required
commands are as follows:
Send the [AFB] command first, and then the
switching commands.
In the above example, the brackets, “[ ]”, will not
be displayed after each command is executed.
However, in order to notify a user or controller
that the last command has been executed, the
[ACK] command is sent last. Since each
command is executed in order, the [ACK]
command is used to display the brackets, “[ ]”,
at the end of the command group.
13. [ACK]
This command displays the open and closed
brackets, “[ ]”, and is intended for use when
feedback is disabled.
Command Format: [ACKCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
See the [AFB] example for details.
14. [STA1]
This command enables automatic feedback
from the front panel. The command affects any
card with auto-feedback capability, not just the
MT107-103. The default at power on or reset is
STA0, off. For more details, see the [?Cn]
command definition.
Command Format: [STA1]
Feedback Prefix Definitions:
MT = Model Number
VR = Firmware Version
ME = Input Selected
MA = Output Connections 01-16
MB = Output Connections 17-32
MC = Output Connections 33-48
MD = Output Connections 49-64
ON = Output Status 01-32
OL = Output Status 33-64
MM = Blocking ON/OFF
VA = Input Volume 01-16
VB = Input Volume 17-32
VC = Input Volume 33-48
VD = Input Volume 49-64
NOTE: The VIS settings apply to video cards