AMX RE-DM6 Switch User Manual

Appendix B: Radia Lighting Programming
RE-DM4 and RE-DM6 RADIA Eclipse Dimmer Modules
All string responses are preceded with a single byte 12 ($0C in HEX or ASCII character '?') and followed
by a carriage return (13 or hex $0D), line feed (10 or hex $0A), and a question mark '?' (63 or hex $3F).
All invalid strings will generate the error string 'ERROR! PLEASE RE-ENTER' followed by the BEL
character (7), carriage return (13 or hex $0D), line feed (10 or hex $0A), and a question mark '?' (63 or
hex $3F).
Ramp Dimmers Up
This function ramps up the specified dimmer(s) until the ramp is stopped or the dimmer(s) reach 100%.
Since this function uses the terminating carriage return (ASCII 13) to stop ramping, do not send the
carriage return with the string. The ramp rate for this function is the default ramp time as established by
the 'RT' command.
In contrast with previous versions of Radia dimmers, Radia Eclipse dimmers accept
both upper- and lower-case strings
Ramp Dimmers Up
String: <dimmer>U
Response: <dimmer> UP (if one dimmer specified)
GROUP UP (if multiple dimmers specified)
ALL UP (if all ('A') dimmers specified)
Examples: SEND_STRING Radia,'1U' Ramp dimmer one up
Response: "'01 UP',13,10,?"
SEND_STRING Radia,'2-4&6U' Ramp dimmers 2, 3, 4, and 6 up
Response: "'GROUP UP',13,10,?"
SEND_STRING Radia,'AU' Ramp all dimmers up
Response: "'ALL UP',13,10,?"
SEND_STRING Radia,"13" Stop ramping
Responses for the commands issued above respectively:
"12,'01 STOP',13,10,'?'" Dimmer one stopped
"12,'GROUP STOP',13,10,'?'" Dimmer group stopped
"12,'ALL STOP',13,10,'?'" All dimmers stopped