APC AP9630 Network Card User Manual

UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide14
Example: To use a DHCP server to obtain network settings:
1. Type
boot -b dhcp
2. Enable the requirement that the DHCP server provide the APC cookie:
boot -c enable
3. Define the number of retries that will occur if the Management Card does not receive a valid
response from the initial request:
boot -s 5
Access: Administrator, Device User
Description: Navigate to a folder in the directory structure of the Management Card.
Example 1: To change to the ssh folder and confirm that an SSH security certificate was uploaded to
the Management Card:
1. Type
cd ssh and press ENTER.
2. Type
dir and press ENTER to list the files stored in the SSH folder.
Example 2: To return to the main directory folder, type:
cd ..
Access: Administrator only
Description: Define whether users can access the command line interface using Telnet, which is
enabled by default, or Secure SHell (SSH), which provides protection by transmitting user names,
passwords, and data in encrypted form. You can change the Telnet or SSH port setting for additional
security. Alternately, disable network access to the command line interface.
Example 1: To enable SSH access to the command line interface, type:
console -S ssh
Example 2: To change the Telnet port to 5000, type:
console -pt 5000
Option Argument Description
-S disable | telnet | ssh Configure access to the command line interface, or use the disable
command to prevent access.. Enabling SSH enables SCP and disables
-pt <telnet port n> Define the Telnet port used to communicate with the Management Card (23
by default).
-ps <SSH port n> Define the SSH port used to communicate with the Management Card (22 by
-b 2400 | 9600 |
19200 | 38400
Configure the speed of the serial port connection (9600 bps by default).