power adapter port 4, 51, 76
PowerBook 8-Bit Color Video-Out
Upgrade Card 60
PowerBook Infrared Upgrade Card 65
PowerBook Setup control panel 56
PowerBook Video Adapter Cable 54, 60
power cord 3–4
Power key 6, 19, 142
power strip 84
PRAM (parameter RAM) 85
printer/external modem port 51, 52–53
connecting 52
network 102
selecting in Chooser 101–102
transformer for 140
troubleshooting 101–102
PrintMonitor, memory usage of 102
problems. See diagnostic techniques;
Put Away command (File menu) 44
quitting application programs 88, 145
raising the PowerBook 5
RAM. See memory
RAM disk 23, 88, 92
RAM expansion card, installing 147–166
rebuilding the desktop 145
recharging batteries 75–76
reinitializing hard disk 114
application programs 118
system extensions 118
system software 115–123
Remote Access program. See Apple
Remote Access
Remote Access Setup control panel
batteries 77–78
expansion bay modules 37–39
repairs 134, 140
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 128
replacing batteries 75, 77–78
reset button 51, 84, 88–89
resetting parameter RAM (PRAM) 85
Restart command (Special menu) 23
restarting the PowerBook 22–23
forced restart 145
Return key 142
reviewing basic skills 18
safety instructions 3, 134–140
screen. See also monitor, external
angle of 5
blank 93, 99
brightness and contrast of 8, 84, 93
cleaning 135
dimmed 74, 99
external monitor as extension of 60
flickering 99
“frozen” pointer on 20, 83
troubleshooting 83, 93, 99
scroll arrows 18
SCSI chain 54, 56–59
troubleshooting 58, 105
SCSI devices
connecting 54–59
troubleshooting 103–105
SCSI Disk Adapter 58–59
SCSI Disk Adapter Cable 54–57, 104
SCSI disk mode 55, 86
quitting 59
troubleshooting 103–104
SCSI icon 57–58
SCSI ID number 56
SCSI Peripheral Interface Cable 54, 57
SCSI port 51, 56, 58
SCSI System Cable 54, 57
SCSI terminators 54
security devices 40