m If the file is on a floppy disk, the disk may be locked. Unlock the disk by
sliding the tab so that it covers the hole at the corner of the disk.
m The file may be in a shared folder that can’t be changed. You can throw
away the file by turning off file sharing temporarily (click Stop in the
Sharing Setup control panel). Or you can select the shared folder, choose
Sharing from the File menu, and uncheck the box labeled either “Can’t be
moved, renamed, or deleted” or “Same as enclosing folder.”
The computer makes unusual sounds.
m A program may need your attention. If an icon is blinking in the menu bar,
open the menu, choose the program whose icon is blinking (it may have a
diamond by its name), and take the necessary action.
m Open the Easy Access control panel and check whether any features are
turned on.
m Select a different alert sound in the Sound control panel.
m The computer speaker periodically turns itself off to save power.
Sometimes this causes a clicking or popping noise. This sound is normal.
m If the sounds are regular or melodic, they may be caused by interference
from electrical equipment. Move the computer farther away from any such
See also “The Computer Makes an Unusual Sound at Startup” in the section
“Problems Starting Up the Computer,” earlier in this chapter.
I can’t access some of the memory on my computer.
m All computers set aside some memory for system overhead. Macintosh
PowerBook Duo 2300 series computers set aside about 400K of RAM.
m If you want to open more programs than memory allows, you can use the
Memory control panel to decrease the size of the disk cache, or to remove
or decrease the size of the RAM disk (if you’re using one). You can also
have a RAM expansion card installed in your computer. See the Te ch n i c a l
Information booklet that came with your computer for instructions.
m Tu rn on virtual memory in the Memory control panel, or increase the
amount of virtual memory.
Tips and Troubleshooting