
Chapter 4 Siri 47
Change the voice gender for Siri. Go to Settings > General > Siri (may not be available in
all areas).
Adjust the volume for Siri. Use the volume buttons while you’re interacting with Siri.
Tell Siri about yourself
If you tell Siri about yourself—including things like your home and work addresses, and
your relationships—you can get personalized service like, “remind me to call my wife” or “get
directions to home.”
Tell Siri who you are. Fill out your contact card in Contacts, go to Settings > General > Siri >
My Info, then tap your contact card.
To let Siri know about a relationship, say something like “Emily Parker is my wife.”
Note: Siri uses Location Services when your requests require knowing your location.
See Privacy on page 40.
Make corrections
Want to cancel that last command? Say “cancel,” tap the Siri icon, or press the Home button.
If Siri doesn’t get something right, you can tap to edit your request.
Or tap again, then clarify your request verbally.
Siri settings
To set options for Siri, go to Settings > General > Siri. Options include:
Turning Siri on or o
Turning Allow “Hey Siri” on or o
Voice gender (may not be available in all areas)
Voice feedback
My Info card
Prevent access to Siri when iPad is locked. Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode (iPad models
with Touch ID) or Settings > Passcode (other models). You can also disable Siri by turning on
restrictions. See Restrictions on page 40.