CL-1758 User Manual
Powering Off and Restarting
If it becomes necessary to Power Off one of the switches, you must do the
following before starting it back up:
1. Shut down all the computers that are attached to it. If there are switches
cascaded down from it, all the cascaded switches and the computers
attached to them must be shut down, as well.
Note: You must unplug the power cords of any computers that have the
Keyboard Power On function. Otherwise, the switches will still
receive power from the computers.
2. Wait 10 seconds, then turn the switch back on. If you have shut down more
than one switch, power up the lowest level switch first and work your way
back up to the one you originally shut down.
3. After all the switches are up, power On the computers, starting with the
ones attached to the lowest level switches and working back to the switch
you originally shut down.