Method Overview
Issue 1.0 June 2002 47
ADU.GetUserSessions Returns the sessions of all clients believed to have an
interest in the ADU.
ADU.GetValues Retrieves all of the values of an ADU.
ADU.GetValueHistory Returns everything that is known about the named field's
values in an ADU.
ADU.GetValuesHistory Returns everything that is known about all values in an
ADU.IncrValue A useful alternative to using SetOneValue and
GetOneValue to modify a value when there is a risk that
two applications might conflict, and the value being
changed is numeric.
ADU.Monitor Changes Assign criteria.
ADU.RemoteWatcher Reserved.
ADU.SetAndTerminate Combines a SetValues and a Terminate.
ADU.SetAndTransfer Combines SetValues and Transfer into a single call, as
these operations often occur together.
ADU.SetDefaultHistoryFilter Reserved.
ADU.SetHistoryFilter Allows the caller to specify which types of events are saved
when an individual ADU is sent to the eventsink server,
overriding the default history filter for one ADU.
ADU.SetOneValue Sets one ADU data element.
ADU.SetValues Sets one or more ADU data elements.
ADU.SetValuesExtended Performs a SetValues, but in addition returns a parallel list
of names that it created while resolving container names.
ADU.Terminate Removes the client's name from the list of interested
parties for one ADU.
ADU.TerminateMine Removes the client's name from the list of interested
parties for all ADUs.
ADU.Touch Accesses or “touches” an ADU onceper invocation, as a
default, to prevent it from being harvested from memory
out of idleness.
ADU.Transfer Adds a new client to an ADU's list of interested parties.