Chapter 7 ADU Server Methods
52 Agent Data Unit Server Programmer’s Guide
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
IDL Syntax ORBStatus FindByKey( in string name, in string value, out ADU_ID aduid ) ;
Description This method finds one active local ADU based on a single search criterion, or key. Each ADU
contains at least one unique element, typically the login ID.
FindByKey() searches only the local ADU Server for active ADUs.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
C Program Example
Locate an ADU having a key containing 1137.
search_criteria Criteria to be used for the search, consisting of names and values. If
values contain spaces or anything other than letters and numbers, they
must be enclosed in double quotes. If the value contains a \ or "
character it must be quoted by a \ character.
scope Can be one of the following. Note that the "no_os" designation is for
consistency with the EDU Server.
ADU_NO_OS Check the local ADU Server only.
ADU_NET_NO_OS Check the WAN ADU Servers but
no Object Stores.
matches List of ADUIDs meeting the search criteria. Note that an empty list is
considered valid and returns VESP_SUCCESS.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
name Search key to find ADU.
value Value to match if name is found.
aduid Agent Data Unit Identifier.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.