Avaya DXX-1015-01 Server User Manual

Issue 1.0 June 2002 67
IDL Syntax ORBStatus Transfer( in ADU_ID aduid, in string to ) ;
Description This method generates an ADU.Transfer event to any process monitoring the ADU, changes the
value of the transfercount element and adds the new client to the ADU's list of interested parties.
Transfers do not move an ADU anywhere.
Transferring an ADU does not end the clients responsibility to the ADU. The client must use
ADU.Terminate() to signal that it has no further interest in modifying the ADU.
Input Parameters
C Program Example
/* Transfer an ADU */
char *to;
to = ORB_object_to_string(VESP_ORB, &environment, object);
Vesp_Request( "ADU.Transfer", callback, 0UL, session, aduid, to);
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
VESP_ERROR ADU not found in memory or in the ADU Server.
aduid Agent Data Unit Identifier.
to A string representing a new client.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
VESP_ERROR ADU not found, or client not a valid string.