6.4 Color (Saturation) Control
How to adjust the Color (Saturation)
The Color function is used to a djust color saturation levels and is only active for Video and S-Video sources.
To adjust Color, press the (+) or (-) side of the button ’COLOR’ (image 6-7). The following barscale is overlayed on the source image,
image 6-8.
Press the (+) or (-) button until the desired color saturation level is displayed. If color is set to a 0% level, the result will be black and
white picture. If the color is set too high, the color levels in the image will be over-powering.
Image 6-7
Image 6 -8
6.5 Tint control
The Tint function is used to adjust color hue to obtain true color reproduction and is only active for Video and S-Video when using
the NTSC4.43 or NTSC 3.58 color system. For PAL and SECAM sources, Tint is n ot adjustable.
To adjust Tint, press the (+) or (-) side of the button ’TINT’ (image 6-9). The following barscale is o verlayed on the source image,im-
age 6-10.
Press the (+) or (-) button until an optimal display is obtained. It is best to adjust tint while displaying an image with natural flesh
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