Protection from Ultraviolet Radiation
WARNING: DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY IN THE HIGH INT ENS ITY LIGHT BEAM. The lamp contained in this product is an intense
source of light and heat. One component of the light emitted from the lamp is ultraviolet light.
1.2.2 Cine VERSUM 50
Lightning conditions
In extremely bright surroundings, adjusting the screen intensity may not result in perceptibly brightener images. Keep in mind that
extreme intensity settings can reduce system service life.
Prevent condensation
One of the c hief sour ces of problems during winter is ’con densation’. R apid temperature fluctuations can deposit water vapor inside
the unit or on the screen, degrading performance. If condensation occurs, turn th e un it off and leave it off for an hou r or so. It is also
good practice to increase the room temperature gradually.
1.2.3 Cine VERSUM Master
Unit damage
If the air filter is not regularly cleaned or replaced, the air flow inside the unit could be disrupted, causing overheating. Overheating
may lead to the master shutting down during operation.
R5976490 CINE VERSUM SYSTEM 17012003