7. Advanced
An alternative to a full screen White/black pattern is the standard g ra y scale pa ttern, the white bar will b e used
for white balance and the black bar for black balance.
Image 7-39
It is not necessary to adjust the bla ck balance. Its value is automatically set to an optimal value (512).
Performing White input balance
1. Select a black pattern (or gray scale as alternative)
2. Press MENU to activate the Tool bar
3. Press → to select the Image item
4. Press ↓ to Pull down the Image menu
5. Use ↑ or ↓ to select Input balance
6. Press → to pull down the menu
7. Use ↓ or ↑ to select White balance
Image 7-40
8. Adjust the red white level (gain) on a minimal value
Image 7-41
9. Adjust the blue white level (gai
n) on a minimal value
Note: this minimal value is no t ne cessary , provided that the 2 oth er colors are not influencing too much the color to be adjusted,
in fact the aim is to minimize the effect of the two other colors since there is a risk of reaching too soon the transition
(bright spots) due to the contr
ibution of these two other colors signals.
60 R59770079 BARCO ID H250/500 23/07/2007