74 Barnes & Noble NOOK HD User Guide
Your NOOK includes two types of apps: NOOK apps and Google apps.
NOOK apps are apps developed specifically for NOOK eReaders. A small green NOOK logo appears in the lower
right corner of the icon for any NOOK app.
Your NOOK includes the following NOOK apps:
• Calendar– a calendar program that works with Microsoft Exchange accounts
• Contacts – a contact management application where you can view your email contacts and add new email
contacts for sharing book recommendations, quotes, and so on
• Email - an app for sending and receiving email (see “Using NOOK Email™” for details)
• Facebook - an app for accessing your Facebook account
• Gallery – an app for viewing and organizing photos and videos that you load on your NOOK
• Hulu Plus
- an app for watching current hit TV shows, classic series, and acclaimed movies
• Music Player – an app for playing MP3 and AAC music files that you load on your NOOK
• OceSuite Lite - an app for viewing Microsoft Oce files on your NOOK.
• Pandora
Internet Radio
– an app that lets you stream free, personalized radio stations; just enter an artist,
song, comedian or genre to get started
• NOOK Friends™ – software for connecting with NOOK Friends, sharing recommendations, and borrowing
and lending books through Barnes & Noble’s LendMe® technology (see “Using NOOK Friends™” for details)
• Settings - a shortcut for opening the Settings screens on your NOOK
• Spotify® - a music streaming service that gives you the right music for every moment, with millions of songs and
free radio – just hit play
• Twitter - an app for using Twitter on your NOOK
• Your Highlights and Notes - an app that lists all the highlights and notes you have added to NOOK Books
• Your Lookups - an app that lists all the words you have looked up in NOOK Books
You can buy additional apps in the NOOK Store.
To run an app, tap on its icon.
NOTE: The Calendar app requires a connection to a Microsoft Exchange account.
NOTE: To be able to edit Microsoft Oce documents on your NOOK, upgrade OceSuite Lite to OceSuite
Pro. To upgrade, either tap the Edit button at the top of the screen in OceSuite Lite or buy Oc-
eSuite Pro in the NOOK Store.
1 Certain third-party applications (apps) such as Hulu Plus may require membership.
2 Certain third-party applications (apps) such as Hulu Plus and Pandora may require membership.