Internet fax and Scan to E-mail (For MFC-6490CW and MFC-6890CDW)
Control panel key functions 11
Shift + 1 (For color LCD models)
Press then . (For Touchscreen models)
Used to change input mode. You can use dial pad keys as Standard alphabet character keys (For color LCD
models only).
Dial Pad 11
Used to enter Standard Alphabet characters (26 letters), as well as @. space ! “ # % & ’ () + / : ; < > = ? [ ] ^
- $ , l _ and Numbers.
Shift + 3 (For color LCD models) 11
To change between upper case and lower case for entering the E-mail address.
d or c
Moves the LCD cursor to the left or right when you enter text.
OK 11
Used to store multiple numbers.
(For US) Black Start
(For UK) Mono Start 11
Begins transmitting the document.
Stop/Exit 11
Deletes entered data and stops the scanning or transmitting process.
One Touch
These functions work the same way as with conventional machines.
However, please note that you cannot use chain dialling for E-mail addresses.
(For US) Shift + Black Start or Color Start
(For UK) Shift + Mono Start or Colour Start 11
Used to receive E-mail from the POP3 server manually.