Low Ink Warning
Accompanied by Ink
Tank Icon With '?'
Failure to reset ink
counter when
installing new ink
The ink tank level accompanied by the ink tank icon with the “?” indicates ink
tank is not synchronized with its ink counter.
Always be sure to reset the ink counter in your printer driver when you replace
ink tank. See "Resetting the Ink Counter
Resetting the Ink CounterResetting the Ink Counter
Resetting the Ink Counter"
" on page 38.
1. Ensure that the printer is on and open the Printer Properties
Printer PropertiesPrinter Properties
Printer Properties dialog box.
2. On the Maintenance
Maintenance Maintenance
Maintenance tab, click Low Ink Warning Setting
Low Ink Warning SettingLow Ink Warning Setting
Low Ink Warning Setting icon.
3. Clear the check box on Display low ink warning off
Display low ink warning offDisplay low ink warning off
Display low ink warning off and click Send
1. Ensure that the printer is on and open the Page Setup
Page SetupPage Setup
Page Setup dialog box.
2. Click Utilities...
Utilities... to open the Printer Utility
Printer UtilityPrinter Utility
Printer Utility dialog box.
3. Select Remaining ink level setting
Remaining ink level settingRemaining ink level setting
Remaining ink level setting from the pull-down menu and click Low Ink
Low Ink Low Ink
Low Ink
Warning Setting
Warning SettingWarning Setting
Warning Setting.
4. Clear the check box on Display low ink warning off
Display low ink warning offDisplay low ink warning off
Display low ink warning off and click Send
Problem Possible Cause Try This
Note If an ink tank is removed, “?” is displayed until you install a
new one and reset the ink counter. You can disable the
display by unchecking the Display low Ink Warning
Display low Ink WarningDisplay low Ink Warning
Display low Ink Warning check