Cisco Systems Dial NMS Network Router User Manual

Task 7Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework
About SNMP Demand Polls
Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
Map color legend:
Green—The device is up.
Yellow—Multiple interfaces are down.
Light blue—One interface is down.
Dark blue—The device is detected, but it has never been managed. The device is unreachable.
Red—The device is down and unreachable.
Step 3
Select a device icon in the map (single click).
Step 4
Go to
Step 5
Network Connectivity: Poll Node
Figure 28 SNMP Walk-Polling Results
Demand polls enable HPOV to:
Detect the sysobjectID (vendor ID) for each Cisco device.
Associate MIBs with each device.
Collect interface information.
Table 31 Important Fields to Inspect In the Polling Results
Field Description
Changing SNMP sysobjectID
to .
Indicates SNMP is working and the system identifier for the device
was found. This field appears only the first time a device is
successfully polled.
HPOV changes a generic router icon into a Cisco device icon after
the sysobjectID is found. The trailing number series, for example
., is the OID that identifies a node as a
Cisco device.
Supported versions
Describes which versions of SNMP are supported by HPOV, such as
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2C.
Verify node name
Verifies the node name is valid.