Cisco Systems Dial NMS Network Router User Manual

Network Design for a Dial NMS Case Study
Implementation and Operation Tasks
Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
The information in Table 9 is posted and maintained on web-based management pages. Easy access to
this information reduces network downtime.
Implementation and Operation Tasks
THEnet implements and operates the dial NMS in two phases:
Phase A
—Exploring and setting up basic dial NMS functions by using free management software
and light-weight NMS tools:
Task 1—Enabling SNMP in a Cisco IOS Device
Task 2— Exploring SNMP Capabilities by Using UCD-SNMP
Task 3—Using MRTG to Monitor and Graph Traffic Loads
Task 4—Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults
Task 5—Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS
Phase B
—Monitoring and maintaining basic dial NMS functions by using commercially available
management systems:
Task 6—Managing IP Addresses by Using DNS
Task 7—Using HP OpenView to Create the SNMP Framework
Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials
Providing information for integrating high-end management systems is
beyond the scope of this case study.
The examples in this document are taken from a Sun Microsystems workstation running Solarus 2.6.
Some commands and filenames may vary slightly on other Unix systems, such as Linux and HP UX.
Table 9 T1 Support Management Information at THEnet
T1 Dial-in Number Circuit ID
Contact Phone
512-111-2222 72ABCA047006-001PT ABC 512-555-1212
512-333-4444 72ABCA047006-002PT DEF 512-555-1212