Cisco Systems Dial NMS Network Router User Manual

Task 5Setting Up a Web Portal for the Dial NMS
About a Web Portal
Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
Cisco IOS CLI Command Center A web page that provides HTTP access to frequently used
Cisco IOS CLI commands. The operations team and help desk can
use this utility to troubleshoot connectivity problems.
See the “Using HTTP to Access CLI Commands” section on
page 86.
IP Tracker A web page that uses two scripts to keep track of IP address block
assignments by using DNS reverse lookup zones.
See the “Creating an IP Tracker Web Page” section on page 96.
SNMP Commander A script that aids the MIB research task by enabling engineers to
build web-based object identification (OIDs) bookmarks. You can
poll for network statistics by using OID bookmarks and a web
browser. No keyboard is required.
See the “About SNMP Commander” section on page 49.
Syslog Viewer A utility that uses FTP to access a syslog server and a web browser
to view syslog messages. Migration to HTTP is straightforward
after security issues are addressed. The use of non-wrapping text
is useful when viewing debug messages and modem call records.
See the “Inspecting Syslog Messages in the Log File” section on
page 78.
Modem Call Record Viewer Light-weight scripts used to parse and view modem call records.
See the “About Syslog” section on page 67.
CiscoWorks 2000 Resource
Manager Essentials
A utility used to remotely monitor and maintain devices through
a web-based browser interface.
See the “Task 8—Using CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager
Essentials” section on page 117.
Table 22 Utilities Provided by the Web Portal for the Dial NMS (continued)
Utility Function